Registered Charity No. 1142919
Phone: 0121 788 1087 or 0793 193 2607 Email:



Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Training

Our training is delivered online via Zoom.

We  deliver training to Children’s Social Services and any other professionals involved in the care of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC). We currently offer the following courses:

  • Triple Planning (Pathway Planning for Young People who came to the UK as Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children)
  • Age Assessment 
  • Introduction to Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children

To book a space on to one of our training courses, please download and complete the Booking Form and send it to the address on the form. For more information or to discuss a bespoke or in-house training, please contact Felix Kupay on 07948602313 or email:

Course 1: Working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People

Course Aims: 

This is an introductory course for all those who are involved in working with or supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children and care leavers, including managers, social workers, personal advisors, support workers, independent reviewing officers and foster carers. The course covers law, policy and processes affecting asylum-seeking children and young people, focusing on unaccompanied children who are looked after and care leavers. Participants will gain an understanding of these children’s particular needs and vulnerabilities as well as a practical understanding of how to support them across different areas: the asylum and immigration system, trafficking, age assessment, care and support including transition at 18 and 21, and access to education.

 Learning Outcomes:

  • To become familiar with who is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child, why they leave their countries of origin their journeys to the UK and the ways that they may come to the attention of the local authority;
  • Understanding the asylum process, access to legal representation and possible outcomes and implications for Care/Triple Pathway Planning;
  • To consider immediate safeguarding issues when responding to unaccompanied children, including issues around trafficking, concerns about possible exposure to radicalisation and age disputes;
  • Care planning for unaccompanied children, including placement options, health needs, religious and cultural considerations.

Course 2: Triple Planning 

Course Aims: 

This course is for all those who are involved in working with or supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children and care leavers, including managers, social workers, personal advisors, support workers, independent reviewing officers and foster carers, who will be involved in undertaking needs assessments and pathway planning. The course covers relevant legislation and best practice, as well as proposed changes to leaving care support for UASC contained in the Immigration Act 2016. Participants gain an understanding of how to plan for the three possible outcomes for those with uncertain immigration status beyond the age of 18, including considerations when undertaking lawful assessments of educational need, and best practice when preparing young people for return to country of origin.

Learning Outcomes:  

  • Become more aware of how to address the care needs of unaccompanied young people in the context of the wider asylum and immigration legislation, and how these needs change over time;
  • Gain a better understanding of the impact of immigration status on access to public funds at 18, including benefits and accommodation;
  • Gain a better understanding of leaving care entitlement for UASC care leavers aged 18 to 21, and post 21 in line with the new Children and Social Work Act 2017 (including the conflict between Leaving Care Legislation and Schedule 3 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002);
  • Consider  how to undertake lawful assessments of educational need which comply with the Kebede Judgement (2013) and the Nfuni Judgement (2013);
  • Be able to consider contingencies for durable and best interest plans for young people who are likely to return to their country of origin.

Course 3: Age Assessment

Next training:   20/09/2023, from 09:30am to 5:00pm (online via Zoom) 

Course Aims:

This course is for all those who are involved in working with or supporting unaccompanied asylum-seeking children who will be involved in undertaking or overseeing the completion of age assessments. Participants will gain an understanding of the relevant guidance and case law required to equip social workers to make lawful, fair and sensitive age assessments. The course will offer practical advice on preparing for, and conducting age assessments, as well as a range of useful resources covering issues such as trafficking, trauma and memory, to ensure that social workers have the tools they need to make sure that children who require protection receive it.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand why age is an issue and become familiar with the legal context for age assessment;
  • To increase awareness of recent guidance in relation to completing age assessments;
  • To consider how to undertake a lawful age assessment;
  • To become more familiar with analysis of information gathered;
  • To gain greater awareness of the issues that may arise as a consequence of age assessment;
  • To become familiar with what to do with a completed age assessment.

Independent Age Assessments