Entraide enables refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers in Solihull and the surrounding to access education, health services and social provision by providing advice, advocacy and one-to-one support.
We network with local agencies which best enhance the life of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers.
We provide the following services/ activities for refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers and their dependants:
Since our inception were have helped over 200 asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers to access primary healthcare, apply for benefit, find suitable accommodation, find employment or training, etc.
We hope to be able to also offer the following services/ activities in the coming few months:
We implement development projects that empower poor communities in Africa and improve the quality of their lives.
We do this by working in partnership with local organisations based in Africa and operating in the field of education, health, water and sanitation, livelihoods, environment, HIV, rural and urban poverty, informal sector, street children, anti corruption and good governance, etc.
We also carry out research, feasibility studies and evaluation of development projects on behalf on bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, governments and individuals.