Registered Charity No. 1142919
Phone: 0121 788 1087 or 0793 193 2607 Email:

About Us


Entraide is a well established charity which works alongside asylum seekers, refugees, vulnerable migrants and their dependants in the UK  in order to facilitate their integration into society.

We are currently the only specialist organisation in Solihull providing support specifically to asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable migrants.

Want to know more about what we do and why we do it? Watch the video  below.

Since our inception in 2011, we have supported thousands of refugees from over 30 countries of origin to integrate into society and start rebuilding their lives here in the UK. Listen to Zara’s and Chris’ stories to find out what we’ve done to support them.

Zara’s story

Chris’ Story


Our Vision

A world where asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants are safe, respected and live free from persecution and where people in Africa live life to its fullness, free from poverty.

Our Mission

ENTRAIDE will work to empower asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable in the West Midlands to rebuild their lives and fully integrate into society. We will also work to empower marginalised communities in Africa enabling them to lead fulfilled lives.

Our values


We will advocate on behalf of our clients to ensure they receive the best possible support in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome. We will ensure our beneficiaries are given accurate information based on our knowledge, experience and research.


We will actively involve our beneficiaries in the delivery of our service in a meaningful way. We will strive to help our beneficiaries successfully integrate into our local community.


We will follow through on issues experienced by our beneficiaries until they are resolved. As a staff team we will keep learning and developing ourselves in order to continually improve our service.


We will support people in crisis situations who have nowhere else to turn. We will invest in our staff and volunteers so that they are best placed to help support others


We will help people to re-learn their identity and build their confidence to enable them to fulfil their true potential. We will work with people where they are at, recognizing and embracing the challenges this can present.



Entraide enables refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants in Solihull and the surrounding to access education, health services and social provision by providing advice, advocacy and one-to-one support.

We network with local agencies which best enhance the life of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers.  

We provide the following services/ activities for refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers and their dependants:

  • General information and advice on welfare benefits, housing, debt, education, training and employment, immigration (we are regulated to provide Immigration Advice at OISC Level 1);
  •  Advocacy and One-to-one support with applying for welfare benefits and social housing(filling forms or phoning benefits agencies), dealing with creditors, etc.
  • One-to-one support to newly-arrived asylum seekers or settled refugees in need of support.
  • Signposting and if necessary accompanying refugees and asylum seekers to places such as GPs, Refugees and Legal Centres, Citizens Advice Bureaux, Solicitors, Jobcentres, Housing Offices, etc.;
  • Home visits and befriending asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants;
  •  Social, cultural and recreational events (including trips) for families and children;
  • Homework clubs and health promotion activities, etc.

Our Immigration advice is regulated by the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner


For more information about our work in the UK, please download our leaflet Entraid Leaflet_v9.



We implement development projects that empower poor communities in Africa and improve the quality of their lives. 

We do this by working in partnership with local organisations based in Africa and operating in the fields of education, health, water and sanitation, food security, environment, HIV, employment and skills, street children, etc. 

We also carry out research, feasibility studies and evaluation of development projects on behalf on bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, governments and individuals.